Cucumber — JUnit Runner | Code Factory
1 min readNov 27, 2020
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- JUnit is a opensource unit testing framework for Java programming language.
- The reason we are discussing about JUnit in Cucumber framework is, one hand, Cucumber is providing a way of non-technical person to define test cases for a product, and on the other hand, our expectation is smooth & timely execution of such test cases.
- JUnit acts as a bridge b/w these two. So the flow of execution look likes as follows.
- — Stakeholders will write down feature files.
- — Step definition will be created accordingly.
- — Specify JUnitRunner class to run the series of test cases.
- — Once we run the JUnitRunner class.
- — — It will parse the Gherkin feature file.
- — — It will execute the functions written in step definition file according to feature file statements.
- — — JUnit will combine test case result.
- — — It will build the test report in the specified format (HTML/Json)
- To run specific feature file Cucumber uses standard JUnit runner and specify the tags @CucumberOptions.
- Multiple tags can be given by comma separate.
- We can specify the path of the report & type of the report we want to generate.
- Example
@CucumberOptions(format={"samplehtmlreport:report/smoketestreport.html"}, tags={@smokeTest})
public class JunitRunner {