Cucumber — Note, Reports, and Pretty Format | Code Factory
1 min readNov 27, 2020
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- Each phrase start with “^” so that cucumber understand the start of the step, Similarly each step ends with “$”.
- We can use regular exprssion to pass different test data. Regular expression take data from the feature steps and pass to step definition.
- Cucumber generates it’s own html format, however better reporting can be done by using Jenkins, Bamboo tools.
- Cucumber can report results in different formats, using formatter plugins. The available formatter plugins are: Pretty, HTML, Json, progress, usage, Junit.
Pretty Format:
- Pretty format generates the cucumber test report in html format, i.e. an html file.
- It is the most reliable report format.
- It generates the reports in the same way as it is a feature file, so tracing is also very easy.
- We can specify the location where we want this report to be placed after test execution. It can be
- — Local directory
- — Server directory
- Example
@CucumberOptions(format={"pretty", "html:target/Destination"})
- Specifying pretty as a format option that ensure html report will be generated.
- When we specify html:target/Destination it will generate html report inside the “Destination” folder in “Target” folder of the maven project.