How To Add Language To DSpace? | Gujarati Language in DSpace | Code Factory

Code Factory
2 min readDec 13, 2019


Reference Link : Link

Download DSpace : Download

Steps for add another language in DSpace :

Step 01 : Stop Tomcat.

Step 02 : Go to <dspace-x.x-src-release> -> dspace -> config -> local.cfg and add / change

default.language = gu_IN
default.locale = gu
webui.supported.locales = gu, en

Step 03 : Go to <dspace-x.x-src-release> -> dspace -> config -> dspace.cfg and add / change

default.locale = gu
webui.supported.locales = gu, en

Step 04 : Go to <dspace-x.x-src-release> -> dspace-api -> src -> main -> resouces and copy and rename it to and change values according to requirements (Convert english text into gujarati text and then convert gujarati text into uni code).

English to Gujarati convert : Link
Gujarati to uni code convert : Link (Note : Select text from the JavaScript textbox)

Step 05 : Eclipse -> dspace -> right click -> run as -> runconfiguration -> "Goals:package" OR go to CMD : <dspace-x.x-src-release> -> dspace -> mvn package

Step 06 : Run

Step 07 : CMD : <dspace-x.x-src-release> -> dspace -> target ->dspace-installer -> ant fresh_install

Step 08 : Step 7 create folder dspace in D:\dspace or C:\dspace

Step 09 : CMD : D: -> dspace -> bin -> dspace create-administrator (In this step select language gu)

Step 10 : Go to D: -> dspace -> webapps copy jspui, xmlui and solr and paste it to <tomcat> -> webapps

Step 11 : Start tomcat and go to URL : http://localhost:8080/jspui

(Note : If you want to again change the property file then shutdown tomcat and go to <tomcat> -> webapps -> jspui -> WEB-INF -> classes and open and do changes and then start tomcat and run it)

