Java — Multithreading and Concurrency Tutorial | Code Factory
1 min readMay 21, 2020
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1. Introduction
2. The Ways to Define a Threading
2.1 By Extending Thread Class
2.2 By Implementing Runnable Interface
3. Getting & Setting Name of Thread
4. Thread Priorities
5. The Method to Prevent Thread Execution
5.1 yield()
5.2 join()
5.3 sleep()
5.4 Comparision Table for yield(), join() and sleep()
6. Synchronization
6.1 Synchronization Method
6.2 Class Level Lock
6.3 Synchronization Block
6.4 Synchronization FAQs
7. Inter Thread Communication : wait(), notify() and notifyAll()
8. Deadlock
9. Daemon Threads
10. Multithreading Enhancement
10.1 Constructors of ThreadGroup Class
10.2 Important Methods of ThreadGroup Class
10.3 java.util.concurrent package
10.4 java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock Interface
10.5 java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
10.6 Thread Pools (Executor Framework)
10.7 Callable & Future
10.8 ThreadLocal